Participant's Guide

Participant's Guide


The organizing committee of the "Défi des collines" aims to promote behaviors that ensure safety, group cohesion, and mutual assistance. With this in mind, we have established a code of conduct to ensure everyone can fully enjoy and benefit from this cycling event. This code of conduct outlines the safe and ethical behaviors to be followed for your safety and that of your fellow cyclists. Note that these guidelines are simple and generally known by most cyclists.

Preparation Before the Event

Choose your route (short or long) and the average moving speed based on your abilities, past outing history, and physical condition on the day of the cycling event. It's important not to underestimate or overestimate your abilities to ensure enjoyment and homogeneous pelotons. It will always be possible to change the route/speed on the day of the event if desired.

Ensure that your bike is in good condition: brakes, tires, and general adjustments. A poorly maintained bike poses a risk not only to you but also to other cyclists. Despite the availability of on-route mechanical support services offered by our partner, ensure you are self-sufficient in minor mechanical repairs on route: multi-use tools, tube(s) or tubular(s), pump/CO2 cartridges, tire levers, valve extenders, spare cleats, etc. This is especially important for components that are non-standard or rare.

Items to bring:

  • Bike
  • Safety Helmet (Ansi or Snell approved)
  • Cycling Clothing (additional layers in case of wind, rain, cold)
  • 1 to 2 Water Bottles
  • Shoes, Gloves, Glasses
  • Anti-chafing Cream / Sunscreen
  • Change of Clothes After Cycling
  • Charged Mobile Phone
  • Cash / Credit Card / Health Insurance Card
  • Snacks (if you have food allergies or intolerances)
  • Mechanical Kit

During the Event

The "Défi des collines" is not a competition. Riding in a peloton involves respecting basic safety rules. Wearing a safety helmet is mandatory, and wearing the event jersey is strongly encouraged. The jersey will be distributed on-site before the start.  A guide will be assigned to each peloton (between 10 and 15 cyclists). Before the start, they will inform you of the usual safety instructions.

The guides are experienced cyclists. They are responsible for maintaining group cohesion, regulating cruising speed, and ensuring that everyone respects the rules and behaviors related to safety. It goes without saying that this guidance cannot be provided without everyone's cooperation. It is important to inform your guide in case of mechanical or physical problems or if you wish to leave the peloton.

It is imperative to respect the rules of the Highway Safety Code:

  • Stop at red lights and stop or slow down at stop signs.
  • Give way to pedestrians.

Peloton rules:

  • Signal potholes in the road.
  • Maintain a constant speed, be predictable.
  • Ride one behind the other (in peloton).
  • Keep a distance of more than 10 cm from the wheel of the other cyclist.